How to Create a Contact and add a Tag.
There are 2 ways of adding a new contact.
You can click on Add New Contact under the Usage and Quota Overview.
Or on the navigation panel click on Contacts and then click on Address Book.
Click on Create Contact at the top of the page.
You must specify the Consent Type for this contact. Express indicates that you have explicit permission to email these contacts.
Inferred indicates that you have permission to email these contacts, based on having had previous communications with them.
Deemed indicates that you may not have explicit consent to communicate with the contact, but it is necessary to contact them.
The First Name, Last Name, and Email fields are mandatory to fill out.
You have the option of adding the Date of Birth, Business Anniversary, and Reminder Dates.
By checking off the boxes next to these options, you will receive a reminder to send a video message to this contact, on the specified date.
Ensure that Active is checked off so that you can send a video message to this contact.
Click Save once you are done.
How to add an Interest Tag.
On the left navigation panel, click on Contacts and then click on Areas of Interest/Tags.
Click on Create New Interest Tag at the top of the page.
Create a title for your Interest Tag.
This title describes what your contacts may be interested in. Provide a description of the type of contacts being associated with this tag.
This field is optional to complete.
Once you're done, click Save.
The following page will display.
Click on Add Contacts.
Select all the contacts you want to tag and click on Add Selected.
The list will then automatically save.
If you go back into your Address Book and select a Contact, you will be able to see all the tags and groups that this contact belongs to.
You can also add them to more tags and groups by clicking on the drop-down.
Congratulations! You learned how to add a contact and create an interest tag.
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