Cheers Video Mail provides detailed reports on the performance of your video messages. Watch the video below to find out what you can learn from our statistics feature!
See how your message is performing and keep track of who has opened and viewed your message with our analytics system. Find out how many times your recipients viewed your video and clicked on the links in your message.
Statistics, with Cheers Video Mail.
Track the success of your video emails with our analytics feature!
You can find out who has read your emails, as well as how many times they read them, if they played your videos and if they clicked on any links.
Never be in the dark again! Find out how your video emails are doing by logging into Cheers Video Mail.
< iframe src='/Videos/statistics/1039' width='650' height='390' scrolling='no' webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen> </iframe>