Staying organized is easy with Cheers Video Mail! Store all your documents, images and videos in one place with our spacious libraries. Watch the video below to learn more!
Cheers Video Mail is equipped to store all your videos, images and documents! On top of being able to save and store the videos you record using Cheers Video Mails Mini-Studio, you can upload videos directly from your device or the web. You can also keep all your important images and documents in our libraries! Our libraries are safe and secure and guaranteed to make sending files with your video messages a whole lot easier.
Libraries, with Cheers Video Mail
Check out our libraries! With Cheers Video Mail, it is easy to store your videos, documents, and images for easy sending.
Simply embed your videos, insert your images, and link or attach your documents to your next message!
At Cheers Video Mail we make it easy to send and receive video emails.
Try it out for yourself!
< iframe src='/Videos/libraries/1034' width='650' height='390' scrolling='no' webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen> </iframe>