Whether you are a physical educator/tutor or a health consultant, you’re not different from any other coaching and consulting service providers, you’ve all reached the path of helping your clients remotely; Cheers Video Mail is extending a helping hand at No Cost to you.
A new trend is becoming the new norm!
Let’s face it, while many things have changed due to the pandemic, remote communication and online coaching, training, and consulting are becoming the new norm that will stay even after the physical distancing period ends.
Simply put, with every challenge, a new opportunity and solution presents itself. At this time, take the opportunity to shift your business online to maintain the one-on-one coach/client relationship with your existing and potential customers.
Most businesses, particularly physical educators are already using social media live streaming and private workout activities which customers find highly beneficial for working out from home.
But is this enough to stay in touch with customers and maintain business continuity?
An innovative way of coaching: become a fitness instructor online
Keep your one on one client relationship while staying physically distance.
IF you are a Teacher or a Physical Trainer this post relates to you.
We love how Sahar is using CVM to solve a solution with our isolation situation - Working out at home is more productive and much easier when the videos are customized by your own physical trainer who is aware of your challenges and milestones. Check how CVM can help you achieve that, now at no cost for you.
Claim Your Free membership today - Sign in Today and start Experiencing the most effective way to work (and workout) during this challenging time. https://casa.cheersvideomail.com/Account/Register
Human connection is the main asset in coaching practice. Keeping relationships in a digital world with physical distancing is challenging. Consider the positive impact of creating personalized videos that are delivered directly into your customers’ inbox; showing the needed care and one-to-one help. Stay in-touch with your clients and expand your business remotely by including private and specialized training or coaching sessions in your video emails. Get yourself ahead of the game.
Cheers Video Mail combines both emails and videos to deliver video email communication like no other; best part, that it’s FREE.
Here are some steps that can guide you to use Cheers Video Mail as fast and efficient to grow your online business.
1. Brand yourself for success: branding your videos and emails are essential
You can attach your brand’s identity to your emails by creating branded templates. Create personalized templates with your brand’s logo and colours to make them match your business image. Cheers team can help get your templates ready.
Hello everyone, before you send any video to any client, you first need to brand yourself and to create your own identity, this is the perfect time to do so.
In Cheers Video Mail you can send your message in a template, the template can contain your logo, your headline, your signature, which is your identity.
Creating a template from scratch might be challenging, so CVM has made ready available templates that you can modify and use.
To do so just click on "email templates", and a page showing all the template will be open. There are templates to wish a happy birthday, to a newsletter, you name it!
As a physical trainer or a health consultant, you might need something simple. So CVM has made a template which is called Gym Trainers 2020. To modify this template to your liking, click the arrow and copy it to a new template. The template will now be open and you can change it the way you want. You can add your logo, just right click-change image. Now you need to browse for your own logo from your computer, and it will be added to your template. You can change the size of the logo as much as you want by clicking more options in the browsing window.
Of course the green color doesn't seem good with my logo, so let's change the color by right-click-->table properties, choose the color you want.
Enter your headline here, probably a slogan you always use, let's say "Focus on Fit". Enter your video title, let's say you want to send a video about triceps workout, enter the video title.
This is the place where you have to enter your video in the message.
You can browse for another image the same we did for the logo, you can say something about your video, change that to your liking whenever you are sending the message.
And here is your own signature, browse for your image the same way we did for the logo. Add your name, let's say "DanyMarkez", your title: health consultant, personal trainer", your company name if you have one.
You can also add your logo here again.
Say follow us on social media, and you definitely need to supply your clients with your social media links. So right-click and press change link. Copy the link of your Facebook account, similarly for your twitter account, Instagram, LinkedIn.. .whatever you want. And you can change the image as well by right click-->and change the image. If you don't have a twitter account you can also replace it with any other account you have.
So, once you have all this done your template will be ready. You might think that can I a header by myself or footer or a signature?
Yes, you can do so by going to content snippets. You can create a snippet from scratch or also use the content snippets already available in CVM. And then use them to create your own template.
Here is the template we created right now, you can put it in any category you want. Let's say the training category. You can add a brief description of it. Let's probably change the title. Let's say I will put "Physical Training". This is the title. You can change the subject as well. And just save your template.
Now you can use your template to send any message you want. And as I have mentioned before, you can create your own snippets as well. Which are the chunks of information that you can add to your template?
Let's say you want to compose a message, and you want to use this template. It is very simple, just click over here and search for your template. Here you go, this is the template we did. Of course, it will look better when you do it adding all the info. Now you can insert your video here, "insert video". Probably change the image, say something about your video, and send the message at any time you want if not right away.
So by creating your own email templates, your clients can know who you are exactly, and you just brand yourself towards success.
This is the best time to do so, so don't miss this step.
2. Organize your contacts per groups or per interest
Organize all your contacts in one place; with cheers video mail you can group clients, such as based on their workout levels, medical conditions etc.
You can also make use of the custom areas of interest tags; this helps when your contacts share common interests. For instance, if you want to send a ‘cardiovascular exercise” to a client, but know that other clients might benefit from the same; you can add a relevant tag in the email message and consequently all tag members will be able to view it.
Hello again, in this video I’ll show you how to add your contacts and classify them into groups.
To do that, select contacts and go to the address book. In the address book all your contacts are to be saved. The easiest way to add contacts is to import an excel sheet you already prepared containing all the info needed.
So click import contacts, and now browse for your excel sheet. But, there are some important rules, that values should be in the first sheet, and that the first row should include column names. Browse for you excel sheet and upload it. Once the file is successfully uploaded click next.
In the mapping step, you can select the info you want to view for each contact, and they are definitely from your excel sheet. So I’ve selected the email and the first name which is the minimum, I can select more, let’s say the last time.
Pressing next, now we will have a page showing all the contacts to be imported. Also I will have the status of the email, whether it’s valid or not and a summary is available at the bottom.
If I want to import the contacts right away I simply confirm the import. But sometimes as a physical trainer or a health consultant you might have some contacts that you can group; which means put them in a group. Because they probably are diabetic patients and you need to send them the same videos. So let’s say these are the contacts, you can directly add them to the group from here if the group is already prepared, or you can create a new group right now. If not, if these contacts are to be added to groups later on, we can simply confirm the import.
Now I’m going show you how to create groups. So we go to “contacts”🡪”segments and groups”. We press create a new group. The group should have a title and a description. Let’s say I want to do a group for diabetic patients, which are teenagers. And here I can add any description I want. I save and then I can add the contacts needed by pressing “add contacts”. So I can select the contacts I want, I can select as much as I want, “Add Selected”, and save the group.
Now some clients can have areas of interest, they can share these areas of interest. For example, one client might ask me to send him a drinking plan, and other clients might also be interested, so when I send that client the drinking plan, I can tag the other clients for them to receive the email message, so we create areas of interest.
In order to create areas of interest, we go to “contacts” and we press “areas of interest/tags”. To create a new one, we click create a new interest tag, and we follow the steps we did in creating a group.
The final thing is that when you go to the address book you will find all the contacts and you can actually click on the contact you want, and check all the information about him/her. So I’ve selected contact and now I can see the info, such as the first name, last name, and email, anything I already put.
Now you have your contacts ready, send those workouts and let your contacts stay fit!
3. Go the extra mile: Let Your Clients Know you care!
Send your clients an introductory video about you and your business; it is a great way to inform and introduce your style and session. Let them know what they should expect, materials they might be need and some encouragement. Sending video emails is the easiest part with Cheers Video Mail, just hit the record button and start having some fun – watch my video below to learn how easy it is to use the mini studio and check “Start Here” upon sign-up to learn more.
Hello guys,
I am going to show you how easy it is to record your introductory video using the mini studio and let your clients know you are here for them.
Once you are in the mini-studio, by pressing the video recording above, press the red button to start recording: "Hello my dear clients, I hope you are all safe and in good health. I would like to inform you that we will now communicate using a platform called Cheers Video Mail. I will be sending you daily videos, which are personalized, and contains the workout each one of your needs. You will receive the video every day, at the same time. Please do those activities, do not cheat, because I can actually know that from the platform. I would like to hear from you and know your feedback by sending me messages via Cheers Video Mail as well. Stay safe and let's get the training done.
If you are satisfied with what you recorded, saved it and send it in a message using the template and snippets you designed earlier. Now, your introductory video is ready.
4. How to produce a good video for a successful digital coaching session?
Be prepared, enjoy your time and Follow these steps for a successful path (watch my video below for illustration):
Prepare the list of exercises and keep it close to you while recording
Make sure all the tools needed available beside you
Make sure the lighting in the room where you’re recording is good with enough space to move freely
Make sure that you place your laptop or phone in an appropriate position that shows the complete workout movements. (for example, if it’s an upper body workout make sure that no matter how you extend your arms they don’t get out of the frame)When you video email your clients you can also add some links, references or images you see useful. If some of your clients need advice on eating habits or any other consultation, you can attach the information in your video email as well.
Always preview your recording and repeat until satisfied then save it to your library – Store all your important images, documents and videos in our safe and secured libraries for ease of accessibility and use; link or attach them to your video emails to track and analyze for outstanding results
"Hello everyone, now I will show you how to record your workout videos and what points you should take into consideration.
Have the list of exercises in front of you during the whole workout, I know that everything is stored in your mind but sometimes people forget, so not to pause your recording just keep the list of exercises in front of you.
I know that you will be trying to do your exercise as equipment free as possible, but sometimes you need to use tools such as dumbbells or mats that your client can replace with whatever they have at home. So make sure that you pre-prepare your tools and you put them in front of you throughout the whole workout.
The final thing you need to do before you start recording your video is to make sure you place your laptop or phone in a position that shows all the movements you intend to do. You can always change the angle of your phone or your laptop but you have to place it in the correct position from the very first time.
Another important thing we should pay attention to i not getting out of the frame. So let's say I have a triceps workout, I need to make sure that no matter how long I extend my arms they don't get out of the frame. This can easily be done by adjusting your screen. So I adjusted my screen in the perfect way that shows the workout. I can actually move freely throughout the open space I have and my clients can see the whole positions
Now that your video is ready you can save it in your library and send it whenever you like. In the email message itself you can add links, references, images you see helpful. A client might ask you to send him some eating habits, so you can add certain links and reference.
Now you have all your videos ready and you can start the training!"
5. Get more time on your side: Plan and Schedule – watch below video for elaboration.
As your clientele grows, you need a better way to plan and organize your time and videos. Cheers Video Mail tackles your challenges and makes it easy to handle with libraries, storage, and the message scheduling option – in addition to the automation feature. In order to work smarter not harder, here are some valuable steps :
Plan and pre-record all yours videos once a week or even biweekly
Store all your videos in your Cheers libraries.
Schedule your video emails ahead by choosing a specific date and time – don’t forget your special birthday wishes to your clients!
Grow your video library and re-use saved videos in messages or campaigns for new clients.
Hi there, you might all be wondering that sending video messages on a daily basis is tiring and time-consuming. We understand that we are all busy and at some point in our lives we miss important tasks. In Cheers Video Mail, this problem is solved. For each client or group of clients, you don’t have to record each video and send it daily. What you can do is: you plan the content of your videos with their scheduled date and time weekly or monthly. So you record your videos one time and put them in a message, you put each video in a message. You don’t send this video right away, but you click on save and schedule. So you pick the date and the time that you want this video to be received by the client. Now your client will receive the right video at the right date and the right time, without you feeling tired of recording the video daily.
Your videos are now sent and saved in your videos library. You can also save any uploaded video in your videos library. As for the other libraries you can save any uploaded images, documents and audio. Your libraries are now rich, you can use any of its contents at any time you want to send them for new clients or former clients.
Let’s face it nowadays remote communication and online consultation is the new trend, a lot of people prefer to exercise at home or they don’t have any other choice due to their busy schedule. With Cheers Video Mail and its features, this is very simple and with the rich libraries you have, you can keep on nurturing your business.
6. Keep your conversation going! Market yourself like a pro with Automation
As your video library grows, you can automate a sequence of video email messages to automatically engage in a campaign for new candidates without the need to manually repeat the work yourself.
Automation can help you schedule:
New clients Email follow-ups Monthly newsletters Latest news and announcements Birthday reminders and more!
Automation can take you a lot of places. The sky is the limit, and as you explore more, you unlock a world of magic and fun. For any help with automation, feel free to connect with Cheers Video Mail team, we are always here to help
Automation is one of my favorite features in Cheers Video Mail, designed for marketers in mind built for everyone. It is basically four easy steps:
1- Create your automated messages, add your multimedia content from videos, pictures, documents and so on. Use templates and library items When you are satisfied with your message, just publish it.
2- Create a campaign. Add related published messages and set their delivery date and timing sequence. The dispatcher automatically handles the messages' delivery.
3- Create new or use existing distribution lists. When active the dispatcher will deliver the subject campaign messages to contacts as they are added to the list. Contacts can be added to distribution lists from your main contacts, from integrated forms, and through the API. Note that adding contacts to distribution lists doesn't consume your contacts quota. It is only one contact regardless of the number of campaign lists it is added to.
4- Add the desired lists to your campaign. Note that lists and messages can be added, removed, and adjusted at any time. The dispatcher handles it all in full synchronization. As new contacts are added to distribution lists the set of messages you have in the campaign will be automated for the delivery without you having to lift a finger.
7. Who said with online coaching you can't track cheaters?
Cheers Video Mail gives you insights on who actually watches your videos, viewed your attached documents, images and clicked on the embedded links in your email. These analytics allow you to track your active clients vs those who are having some difficulties following your plan. Show care and support by tracking your client's results, and keeping a close follow-up strategy for a healthy and strong relationship.
Hi there, did you know that you can find out if your client is cheating?
In Cheers Video Mail you can track your emails. This means you can know who opened the email, who viewed the video, for how long and how many times. In addition, you can know if your client viewed the extra documents, links, and images you attached with your email message. This can easily be done by clicking on analytics, under messages.
Consequently, you will send your client an email or a video message. Check up on them, ask if they found the workout hard, and know the reason that prevented them from doing the exercise. Care and support are very important in physical education and online consultation. Your clients should know that you care about them and you’re ready to provide any support they need.
On the other hand, your clients can send you back video messages. Show you the moves they are doing, check if they are doing it right or wrong, they can also ask you simple questions and provide you with their feedback or show you their progress.
If you are starting your online coaching business, you can't go wrong by sticking to the steps mentioned above. It's time to work smarter, not harder to engage with your clients and fuel your business's success.
Practice Physical distancing yet stay socially engaged!
Glow in your videos with the right equipment, courtesy of Cheers Video Mail.
One new subscriber will be chosen randomly every week to win multiple ring lights.
A Video Email will be sent to the lucky new member.