Have You Implemented the “Know you, Like you, Trust you” Factor in Your Business?

Have you implemented the “know you, like you, trust you” factor in your business?

“Mortgage is the most complex product that people take and the least managed”

Most people have a perception that banks provide the best rates and deals; which might not necessarily be true. Understanding your finances like mortgages, interest rate, and other loans can be hard without proper guidance and explanations. Professionals like debt eliminators and mortgage brokers focus on helping people manage their finances- find the right mortgage and the right strategies to pay off their debts in a shorter time period. You want to work with someone who is trustworthy, experienced and who can provide you with correct information and valuable knowledge.

Watch the video below, as George Kaadi discusses how he enforces “know you, like you, trust you” factor in his business using Cheers Video Mail. This strategy has helped George keep loyal customers and gain more thorough referrals.

Hello Everyone today we have a special guest here who excels in the personal finance industry. I would like to welcome George kaadi. Hello george.

1. To start off, please Tell us about yourself and what you do ?
I have been in the personal finance industry for about 18 year plus. I Started out with the banks ,helping them implement solutions. Then I decided to get out and become a personal finance professional . I’m in the mortgage business, especially eliminating debt . As you know Mortgage is the most complex product that people take and the least managed. So, I focus on helping people manage their mortgage. Instead of paying for 25 year-30 years they pay it in 10, 7, -9 depending on their personal finance.

2.What are the Key elements in you business ?
In our Business, People financing is the key, they go to the bank and get a mortgage, they get a car loan, credit card debt, all this compounded becomes a burden so people need to learn how to manage their finances and this is what we focus on. We don’t look at let me give you a mortgage.We focus on giving them the right mortgage , the right strategy so they can pay it off in a shorter time. enjoy the money they are making instead of paying it to the bank in interest payment for the next 20-25 30years. they get to accumulate this in wealth.

3.How and why do people open up to you about their financial matters?
That’s an interesting question, I do not advertise. People come to me from referral or people I have served in the past. Obviously I left with them success, I left with them trust so they transfer that trust to their friends and family. They come to me because I was recommended as the guy who gets the job done. I don’t take that trust as granted. I sit down , understand where they are, what are their pain points, where they wanna go, educate them on the process, put a financial plan, where the right mortgage and right strategy is in place for them to get what they wanna get.- WHICH is get out of debt quicker and transform their life for the better.

4.What are some of the challenges that you face in your business
The biggest challenge that I face and most mortgage brokers face is the perception of the public - i go to the bank- my bank gave me. What people don’t understand is that the bank is in business to make money; not to give them something as a gift. Have you ever seen a bank give you a gift? They give you a rate, you have to pay it back with interest. So what we do is we try to get people to focus on their interest rate, it’s important but what's more important is the total cost of borrowing so we help these people get the right mortgage, right plan, the right way to spend their cash so they can get off their mortgage faster and accumulate wealth. So the biggest challenge is to get them to understand that the bank is not your friend- you need to look after yourself

5.I see that conversations are important to you in your business, is that what drove you to try Cheers Video Mail
A friend of mine flipped me an email one time, funny enough he sent me a video mail so I said how did you do this. He said click on the link , follow up and find out. So, I did and I should thank him for doing this because it opened a way for me to communicate properly with my clientsI sent some video emails saying happy birthday to my clients. The response I got was thank you thank you thank you and I thought I am onto something here. Started using it as a communication tool with clients and the result was very very good.

6. I am curious to know, what features of Cheer Video Mail do you like the most?
As you know this pandemic has changed the way we do business so i do a lot of business over the phone trying to explain to people what we are doing;it clued on me, cheers video mail has a feature screen capturing. It has helped me stay in touch in a meaningful way and cut down some wasted time doing emails and what have you. it’s a very very powerful tool if you get to use it consistently.

7.Would you recommend CVM and to whom ?
Well to be honest with you anyone in the personal finance business. I encourage anyone who’s serious about their business to consistently use it.
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Highlights of the Interview

Tell us about yourself and your business

He is in the mortgage business especially in debt elimination. His main focus is to help people manage their finances.

What is the key element in your Business ?

“People Financing is the key. Helping people put the right strategies to pay off their debt in less time, so they can enjoy the money they are making instead of paying it to the bank in interest payments".

How and why do people open up to you about their financial matters?

People come to him from referrals or people who he has served in the past. Georges takes the time to understand his customer’s situation, their pain points and educates them on the process to help put a financial plan to get them out of debt quicker and transform their life for the better.

What are some of the challenges that you face in your business

"People’s perception of the banks. People need to understand that banks are not your friend- you need to look after yourself. We try to get people to focus on their interest rate - but what's more important is the total cost of borrowing".

Conversations are important, is that what drove you to try Cheers Video Mail ?

George got a really positive response when he sent out video emails to some of his clients. From there, he started using it as a communication tool with clients. “That to me is a platform which works to communicate.” Rather than sitting down to type something and making typos, it’s best to say hello and just take seconds to shoot the email. Cheers Video Mail is an easy to use platform

Did Cheers help you solve the challenges and How ?

“The platform is very rich in functionality. stable and easy to use. You have to use the technology consistently and wisely. The technology has nothing to do with me committing to use it properly so the challenge is me; committing to staying in touch in a meaningful way with my client.”

What features of CVM do you like the most?

George uses the screen recording and the email automation feature the most. heers video mail has a feature screen capturing. “I captured a discussion with a client and I sent it to them; It’s like documenting what happened. The client was very surprised that we taped the conversation and he has a copy of what we said.”

“Another good feature is the automation part of things. i can set things up and i don't have to manually do it all the time. Automation is key. Leveraging video mail is another bonus and this platform excels at that It has helped me stay in touch in a meaningful way and cut down some wasted time doing emails and what have you. it’s a powerful tool if you get to use it consistently.”

Would you recommend CVM and to whom?

"Anyone in the personal finance business- could be a lawyer, accountant, financial advisor, insurance agents, specifically mortgage broker. Staying in touch in a meaningful way, gives you an edge over the competition, bring you closer to your clients and enforce what george calls know you , like you trust you factor.
It's a good tool; I encourage anyone who’s serious about their business to consistently use it"