Record and Send Video Messages Today!

Ever wondered how to send videos through email without the hassle of attachments?

Check out these videos from Cheers Video mail, learn step by step how easy it is to record a video and email a video.
Working with large videos is not an issue when you are using cheers! Just record and send!

Recording and managing videos in Cheers Video Mail.

Hello and welcome to Cheers Video mail- Creating video mails will help u build deeper relationship and stronger connection with your audience, putting a face to the name - I am excited for you - Lets begin!
The purpose of this video is to show you how easy it is to start recording! (show the icon)
click the Record video button above to start.

Once you are in, you can start recording using the left window -…

Hey Dany, good news
Your application has been accepted!
I’m attaching your approval document.
Best of luck

The right window, is to preview your video once it is done.
eh voila! Your video is ready.

not satisfied with your recording! record it again! It will automatically save over the previous one.
actor will speak
Once satisfied; you can either save and upload for later use or send it immediately.

When you’re happy with everything, send your video using a new message.
You can also post it to your website or social media accounts.
Happy recording!

< iframe src='/Videos/creating-videos-is-easy-with-cheers-video-mail-site-version/1109' width='650' height='390' scrolling='no' webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen> </iframe>

Sending your recorded video by email using Cheers Video Mail

Hi there! Now that you have your first video ready, it’s time to share it.
Let’s first have a look at what happened.
Once you clicked upload or Start New Message, the system automatically created a GIF animation and a still image as the default cover.

click start new message… An email interface will open with the animated GIF embedded in the body.
You can edit the system generated message title to your like,,, give the message a subject –- you can use the subject custom tags…
Edit the email body to your liking,,, the toolbar has multiple functions that is explained in how-to videos;
To learn more visit the learning center or click the help icon above.

To add recipients of your message you can select from your existing contacts,, or just type the email address or the name in the recipients box; if the email address doesn’t exist in your contacts it will be automatically added upon save or send.
You are good to go! Save it, send it right away, or schedule it to go out at a later time of your choice.

< iframe src='/Videos/it-is-easier-to-send-and-receive-video-messages-site-version/1110' width='650' height='390' scrolling='no' webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen> </iframe>

Our recording studio is simple and easy to use. Watch the video below for a look at what you can create with Cheers Video Mail's mini studio!

Recording studio, with Cheers Video Mail.

Our Mini Studio makes it easy to record and send videos. Choose your desired camera and resolution, add a production template to give your video some personality, and start recording!

You can always re-record your video at any time until you are 100% satisfied with the results. 

The mini-studio also lets you snap a photo as a poster to represent your video, and even pop some text on top to give viewers an idea of what your video is about. 

Recording videos is easy to do with Cheers Video Mail. Get started today! 
< iframe src='/Videos/recording-studio/1035' width='650' height='390' scrolling='no' webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen> </iframe>